March 14, 2025

Get Online Appliance Repair Help From Factory Trained Technicians

We now offer instant online appliance repair help, you can chat live with a factory trained technician to get the appliance repair help you need for free. So if you can’t find an answer to your repair problem on the site just click the live tech button on the bottom right of the page and you will be connected with the next available technician.

Why is it free? Well because we want to help you get your appliance repaired and we know if you are happy with the service you receive you will leave us a tip, at least we hope you will be kind enough to do so. Also we simply ask that you  Share This Page On Facebook.

Simply click the Facebook share button at the bottom of this article and share it so that your friends and family can get free appliance repair help also if they ever need it.

8 thoughts on “Instant Online Appliance Repair Help

  1. I have a samsung gas dryer model number DV40J3000GW/A2,the gas ran out while the cycle was on and since then the burner has not lit n the gas keeps flowing without a flame,i replaced the heating element,flame sensor and solenoid coils plz advise

    1. You will need to replace the gas valve itself which you can get used ones on eBay rather cheap. The part number is DC62-00201A:

  2. Samsung dryer not turning off till door is open, or unplugged. DV42H5600EP/A3. Replaced door switch. Still runs, disconnected display board, still runs. Is it a bad control panel, it seems this is a common problem. Any help would be appreciated.

  3. Whirlpool Cambrio top loading washer:
    Im getting F51 error code. The washer is practically brand new. I took out the RPS sensor and it looked brand new. I put it back on and the washer ran a full cycle with nothing in it. Then I filled it half way with clothes and if gave me the error again F51.

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