December 22, 2024

Cabrio Washer Error F0E3

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error F0E3

The Cabrio Washer F0E3 error code  happens when the main control detects a load in the basket that is too large for the capacity of the washer. Another words its detecting an overloaded basket. Steps to take to try and fix this err or are below.

  1. Remove some clothes from the tub and restart the cycle or cancel the cycle and start a new one.
  2. If removing items from the tub did not stop the error from returning then something is causing mechanical friction not allow the basket to turn usually it is because  something has gotten in between the inner and outer tub and has the basket jammed. You will need to check for items between the basket and tub and remove them this will involve raising the top to be able to access the area between the tubs.

If you need the specific diagnostic steps to take for the Whirpool Cabrio Washer Error F0E3 then click on the live tech help button at the bottom right of the page and let one of our technicians help you in live chat. You can also  visit our Tech Help Service Center and order a Custom Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error F0E3 Repair Guide.

This error code applies to the models below in the tag section and many more.


  1. I’m getting a FOE3 code for my washing machine. Whirlpool Cabrio Model WTW 70000Dw3 washer machine. It is also not going in rinse mood and leaving softener in the compartment.

    1. If you are not overloading the washer and continue getting the F0E3 error code the gear box needs to be replaced. That model you can’t just replace the bearing and shaft because the gear box comes as one assembly. It also sounds like the water inlet valve needs to be replaced as well. The parts you need for that model are linked below.

      Gear box –
      Water valve –

  2. I have a whirlpool cabrio dryer model WED5700XW0 and am getting a F0E3 error code. There is no load in the dryer and the drum spins freely. I clear the code and try again but it keeps coming up and the dryer won’t start. Thoughts?

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