December 21, 2024

Cabrio Washer Error F0E5


The Cabrio Washer F0E5 error code  happens when the main c ontrol detects a load that is off balance.

  1. Resituate the clothes in the tub and distribute them so the load is balanced and restart the cycle or cancel the cycle and start a new one.
  2. Stand at the washer and push on it if it rocks any at all the washer needs to be releveled.
  3. If balancing the load did not stop the error from returning and the washer is level then push down on the tub quickly and let go, it should not bounce up or down more than once. If it does then the suspension rods on the unit are worn out and need to be replaced.

If you need the specific diagnostic steps to take for the Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error F0E5 then click on the live tech help button at the bottom right of the page and let one of our technicians help you in live chat. You can also  visit our Tech Help Service Center and order a Custom Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error F0E5 Repair Guide.

This error code applies to the models below in the tag section and many more.

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