September 14, 2024

Cabrio Washer Error LD

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error  LD

The Cabrio Washer LD error code stands for Long Drain which means the control has recognized the water in the tub is not draining fast enough during the cycle.

  1. Make sure the pump and drain hose are clear of debris that would cause a blockage.
  2. Check the impeller on the drain pump and make sure its not wobbly or busted.
  3. Remove the tub hose from the pump to the tub and check it for blockage.
  4. Make sure the pump is running when and getting the proper voltage when it should be.
  5. If all the above checks out then replace the drain pump motor.

Replacement Drain Pump Motor For The LD Error

Cabrio Drain Pump To Repair LD Error

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Drain Pump Replacement Video

If you need help with diagnosing this error code click on the live tech help button at the bottom right of the page or visit our Tech Help Service Center and order a Custom Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error LD Repair Guide.

This error code applies to the models below in the tag section and many more.