February 17, 2025


Whirlpool Range F3E0 Error

 The Whirlpool Range F3E0 Error occurs when the oven temperature thermostat sensor is open or shorted and means that the control is no longer reading the proper resistance from the sensor, which is how the main control board determines the correct temperature in the oven. The control board converts those resistances from the sensor into temperatures.

Three different issues cause the F3E0 error.

  1. The temperature sensor has failed.
  2. The wiring or connection between the temperature sensor and the main control board is faulty or has a bad connection.
  3. The sensor circuit on the main control board has failed.

Whirlpool Range F3E0 Error Troubleshooting 

To determine which of the three is the cause of the failure, there are some simple troubleshooting steps you can do. First, you need to unplug the range or turn off the breaker that supplies voltage to the range. Then pull the range out so that you can get behind it to remove the back access panel. Some models may have more or fewer screws in different locations you will need to remove.

whirlpool range F3E0 Error panel access

Once you have removed the back access panel, you will have access to the temperature sensor connection. Unplug the sensor connection and check the resistance of the sensor (between connector pins) using an ohmmeter. The resistance at room temperature should be roughly 1000-1200 ohms. If not, the sensor has failed and will need replacing.

Also, check the sensor for a short by checking the resistance from the sensor connector pins to the sensor casing if there is a closed circuit between either pin and the sensor casing it’s shorted. If the sensor tests good and the connection between the sensor and board was secure, then the board has failed and will need to be replaced. The image below shows the location of the sensor with the back panel removed.

Temperature Sensor Connection Location On Whirlpool Range

The replacement temperature sensor information is linked below; just click on the image. If you need to replace the main control then ask us in chat for the part number as the control needed will vary by model.

Temp Sensor For F3E0 Error Code Repair

23 thoughts on “Whirlpool Range F3E0 Error Explained

  1. Just wanna throw this out there. The F3E0 error can also be displayed if your wiring harness isn’t making contact with the sensor. Check your terminals on the harness if the probes on the terminal are not making contact or are corroded that will also cause the error.

  2. ’m looking to replace my temperature sensor and need to know which sensor to get for my Whirlpool oven. Model #W10083650. This is the model number that I see where I pulled the sensor out from.

  3. Needing some direction…Getting the ERROR E0 F3 – Model GY398LXPS03
    Also, I get a DOOR OPEN displayed. The fan stays on and the oven light will not go off. I had a loud pop prior to this. I’ve tried to reset this and flipped the breaker. No luck. I don’t want to run out and purchase replacement parts just yet. Thanks in advance.

    1. That is going to be either a failed temperature sensor or a failed main control. You can check the temperature sensor which is the probe you see protruding out of the back wall inside the oven. Remove the probe and disconnect it from the wiring harness. Check the resistance of the probe with a meter it should have roughly 1100 ohms at room temperature if not it’s bad and that is the problem. If the temperature sensor checks out ok then the main board is the problem. The temperature sensor you need for the model you gave is linked below.

      The control board you need for that model is no longer being manufactured so you can’t get them new anymore but you can get them refurbished, the board is linked below.


  4. I have a Whirlpool Stove/oven. YWFE775H0HV0.
    I just replaced the tempature sensor.
    Still getting a F3 E0 message?

    1. If you replaced the temperature sensor and still get the error then the main control has failed. The part number for the main control for your model is W11511567.

  5. I have a kitchen aid gas range model kgs907ss02 and i am getting an error code f6 e0,can you help?what does it mean?

    1. Your main control board has likely shorted but there is really no way to know for certain. The first thing you want to do is just turn the circuit breaker off for 60 seconds to see if the electronics will reset. If not, F6 E0 means there is a communication error between the main control board and the interface control board. You can definitely uninstall the oven and remove the top panel to look around and make sure all the wires are secure, but that’s about all you can do as far as diagnosing this problem. Aside from that, F6 E0 is the worst issues you can get on this model because there is no way to test which part is actually faulty so you basically have to guess which control board you want to replace first. In most cases it’s the main board that is the problem. The part number for the board for your model is WP9762794 but it’s out of stock and on back order at all the suppliers I checked. There are some used ones listed on eBay at the time of this post. Just do a search on eBay for the part number WP9762794 and the listings will come up.

  6. I have a whirlpool WFE505W0JS and of course, on thankgiving. It was fine then one of the pots on the stovetop boiled over and were getting the F3E0 error code. Not sure what to do as we cant do much about it.

    1. In most cases that means the temperature sensor has failed. That is the probe you see protruding out of the back wall inside the oven.
      1. Press CANCEL>CANCEL>START to enter the Diagnostics Mode.
      Verify the sensor temperature reading is at room temperature (typically 50 to 90°F [10 to 32.2°C]) and verify failure code.
      If failure code does match, then continue.
      2. Unplug range or disconnect power.
      3. Check all sensor connections on harness and board.
      4. Disconnect sensor from harness.
      5. Measure sensor resistance between connector pins and confirm reading is between 1000O and 1200O at room temperature. Also measure from sensor connector to sensor casing for possible short. If measurement is not correct, or if short is found, replace sensor.
      6. Trace wires and connectors to sensor from control, then back to control. If wire or connection is damaged, replace the harness. If wire or connector is not damaged, replace oven temperature sensor.

  7. I have a Whirlpool range model WFE 374 LVB 0. It gives me a F3E0 error message. We have replaced the oven temperature sensor, it worked great the first two times I used the oven, now it is giving me the same error message. What should I do? This oven is several years old, should I fix it or buy a new one? Can it be fixed?

    1. You would need to replace the main control board if the problem persists as you say it does. The board you need is part number WPW10476353. They run 250-300 USD. I will let you decide if you want to spend that much or buy a new range. You may find it on eBay or Amazon or you can just google that part number and you will find plenty of places to order it from online.

  8. What is the cost for a main control board for Whirlpool Gold Accubake Duo Gas Oven. Model GS465LELS Serial RM3811210. I have replaced both temperature sensors and it is still giving me the error codes.

    1. The cost is 0 because you can’t get them anymore they are no longer being manufactured. The only option you have is hope one comes up used on eBay or send yours is in and have it rebuilt. The part number you need is 4453607. The link below is for a service that you can mail your board to and they will fix it.

  9. My oven is throwing the F3E0 code. I bought a new temperature sensor but that hasn’t fixed the problem. I have a whirlpool gas oven/range model number SF315PEPW1. I also read that there could be a problem with the igniter. Is this true? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    1. . 1. Press CANCEL>CANCEL>START to enter the Diagnostics Mode. Verify the sensor temperature reading is at room temperature (typically 50 to 90°F [10 to 32.2°C]) and verify failure code. If failure code does match, then continue.
      2. Unplug range or disconnect power.
      3. Check all sensor connections on harness and board.
      4. Disconnect sensor from harness.
      5. Measure sensor resistance between connector pins and confirm reading is between 1000O and 1200O at room temperature. Also measure from sensor connector to sensor casing for possible short. If measurement is not correct, or if short is found, replace sensor.
      6. Trace wires and connectors to sensor from control, then back to control. If wire or connection is damaged, replace the harness. If wire or connector is not damaged, replace oven temperature sensor.
      7. Reconnect the sensor to the harness.
      8. Replace all parts and panels before operating.
      9. Plug in range or reconnect power.
      10. Press CANCEL>CANCEL>START to enter the Diagnostics Mode and clear the error code.
      11. Press CANCEL to cancel the Diagnostics Mode.
      12. Press BAKE and START. Observe for longer than 1 minute.
      13. If failure does not reappear, stop. If failure remains, unplug range or disconnect power and check wire connections.

  10. Our sensor checked out okay, so we may need to replace the control. What is the part number for Model number KSDB900ESS0


  11. I have a Whirlpool Gold Gas range. When you press any of the oven buttons it immediately shows an F3E0 code for the oven sensor. My sensor tests out at 1.085K ohms and I get the same reading if I probe the backside of the harness where it plugs into the circuit board, so assuming by getting the same reading at the circuit board the wire harness is good. I also checked the sensor for ground and it is not grounded to either wire. Do I buy both the sensor and the circuit board, try the sensor first, and if that does not fix it buy the circuit board? My Model number is WEG730H0DS0. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Since the sensor checked out ok and the wiring from what you say sounds like it’s ok then that just leaves the control, unfortunately it will have to be replaced. The part number you need for that model is W10603098.

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